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Good News | MeetFuture Technology Selected for the 2022 Lingang New Area Technology Little Giant Cultivation Program
Release Time: 2023-08-17

Recently, in accordance with the "Several Policies for Promoting Industrial Development in the Lingang New Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone" (Hu Zi Mao Lin Guan Jing [2019] No. 12) and the "Implementation Rules for Specialized High-tech Industries and Technological Innovation in the Lingang New Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone" (Hu Zi Mao Lin Guan Wei [2020] No. 201), after independent declarations by enterprises and comprehensive deliberations, the proposed list of projects for the 2022 Technology Little Giants (including cultivation) in the Lingang New Area has been announced. MeetFuture Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been selected for the Technology Little Giant Cultivation Program.

Announcement of the Proposed List of Projects for the 2022 Technology Little Giants (Including Cultivation) in the Lingang New Area

